Managing Shift Changes

Managing Shift Changes

This section provides information on how to manage lock-out scenarios during a shift change of staff during normal operations of the business. 

If the work is not completed as the time of a shift change, the lock-out must remain in effect and you must remain at the lock-out site until your replacement from the next shift arrives at the scene.  This will give you the opportunity to inform the next shift workers of the lock-out and of all work that has been completed thus far.  Always take the time to take this crucial step before leaving the lock-out site to provide for the safety of all concerned.

It is also imperative that you do not remove your lock until your replacement has attached theirs, and remember to remove your lock before you leave.  Please keep in mind that it is illegal to remove another worker's lock! If you notice a lock belonging to another worker is attached and that worker has left for the day, notify your supervisor or management.  Never cut a lock yourself, as there may be a reason that the lock has been kept in place.

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