Lock Out Devices in the Workplace

Lock-Out Devices

This section provides examples of workplace safety violations according to the Ontario Health and Safety Act as it applies to LockOut/TagOut w. It also showcases the potential impact on employee safety and the potential for fines from the Ontario Government.  

Every Lock-out and tag-out situations will require the same principles to obtain a “Zero Energy Status”. However, you will encounter situations in which padlocks cannot be attached to the lock-out site or effective to be used by themselves.  Where this is the case, use one of the following lock-out devices:

Ball Valve Lock-Out 

After turning the valve handle to the off position, attach this device over the angled part of the valve handle as far as it will go, and ensure that the lower part of the device (paddle) is resting firmly against the pipe. Insert your padlock through the hole that has the tightest fit and check to make sure that the handle will not move.

STOPOUT® Ball Valve Lockout - For 3/8" to 1-1/4" Valves

Gate Valve Lock-Out

There are two methods for locking out gate valves. The recommended method is to use an approved gate valve lock-out device; the other acceptable method is to lock the valve handle out by using chains. To attach a gate valve lock-out, simply place the round device over the valve handle after the valve has been shut off, and apply your lock and tag. Be sure to use the correct size gate valve lock-out device, and never use homemade versions. To apply chains, slip one end of the chain through the valve handle and wrap the chain around the pipe. Thread the other end of the chain through the valve handle, eliminate any slack and apply your lock or tag. Always be sure that the valve handle will not turn.

Plug Locks 

A plug lock is a device that surrounds a plug and clamps shut. After unplugging the equipment, select the proper size plug lock and clamp it shut around the plug. Now you can apply your lock and or tag. A plug hugger is a similar device to a standard plug lock-out device, only it has a locking mechanism built into it.


Wall Switch Lock-Out

To attach a wall switch lock-out, you must first remove the wall switch plate screws and attach the base plate for the lock-out device. Now turn the switch off and flip the lock-out cover down to secure the switch in the off position and apply your lock.


Circuit Breaker Lock-Out

Turn the circuit breaker to the off position and attach the circuit breaker lock-out device so that it is firmly in place and the breaker will not move. Now you may attach
your lock and or tag.

MASTER LOCK Circuit Breaker Lockout, 120/277, Clamp-On Lockout Type, Steel - 1TDB2|493B - Grainger

Fuse Lock-Out

Before pulling a fuse, always check to ensure that the circuit is not under an electrical load by using an approved testing device. Always use an approved fuse puller, do not use your hands or pliers to remove a fuse as this can result in serious injury or death. Now remove the fuse, apply the circuit breaker lock-out device, and attach your tag. Do not apply a lock as the metal-to-metal contact may cause a short circuit. Verify the de-energized state.

Lock-out Box

When multiple workers or multiple pieces of machinery are required to be locked out a lock box may be utilized. The box will contain several locks that are “keyed the same”; these locks are then used to lock out the equipment using which ever means is required. The locks will be applied and the key will be placed in he box. Then the employees involved in the lock-out will place their lock on the outside of the box (which will keep the equipment locks from be removed).


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