Ontario Health & Safety Act

Ontario Health & Safety Act

This section provides specific extracts from the Occupational Health and Safety Act that apply directly to LockOut/Tag Out responsibilities for health and safety within any organization in Ontario Canada.

Section 42

(1)  The power supply to electrical installations, equipment or power lines shall be disconnected, locked out of service and tagged before any work is done, and while       it is being done, on or near live exposed parts of the installations, equipment or conductors.

(2)  Before beginning the work, each worker shall determine if the requirements or subsection (1) have been complied with.

(5)  If more than one worker is involved in the work referred to in subsection (1), the worker who disconnected and locked out the power supply shall communicate the purpose and status of the disconnecting and locking out.

(6)  If a tag is used as a means of communication, the tag,

a)    shall be made of non-conducting material;

b)    shall be secured to prevent its inadvertent removal;

c)    shall be placed in s conspicuous location;

d)    shall state the reason the switch is disconnected and locked out;

e)    shall show the name of the worker who disconnected and locked out the switch;

f)    shall show the date on which the switch was disconnected and locked out.

(7)  The employer shall establish and implement written procedures for compliance with this section.

Section 42. 1

(1)    This section applies and section 42 does not apply if it is not practical to disconnect electrical installations, equipment or conductors from the power supply before working on, or near, live exposed parts of the installation, equipment or conductors.

(2)    The worker shall use rubber gloves, mats, shields and other protective equipment and procedures adequate to ensure protection from electrical shock and burns while performing work.

(3)    If the installation, equipment or conductor is operating at a normal voltage or 300 volts or more, a suitably equipped competent person who is able to recognize the hazards and perform secure operations, including artificial respiration, shall be available and able to see the worker who is performing the work.

(4)    Subsection (3) does not apply to equipment testing and trouble-shooting operations.  

Section 42.2 

Work performed on electrical transmission systems or outdoor distribution systems rated at more than 750 volts shall be performed in accordance with,

a)    the Rule Book Electrical Utility Operations published in 1990 by the Electrical Utilities Safety Association of Ontario incorporated; or

b)    the Ontario Hydro Corporate Safety Rules dated 1979, O. Reg. 630/94, s. 1.

Section 75

A part of a machine, transmission machinery, device or thing shall be cleaned, oiled,    adjusted, repaired or have maintenance work performed on it only when 

a)    motion that may endanger a worker has stopped; and 

b)    any part that has been stopped and that may subsequently move and endanger a worker has been blocked to prevent its movement.  

Section 76

Where the starting of a machine, transmission machinery, device or thing may endanger the safety of a worker:

a)    control switches or other control mechanisms shall be locked out; and

b)    other effective precautions necessary to prevent such starting shall be taken.  

Section 78 

(1)    Subject to subsection (2), where repairs or alterations are to be made on a drum, tank, pipeline or other container the drum, tank, pipeline or other container shall:

a)    have internal pressures adjusted to atmospheric before any fastening is removed:

b)    be drained and cleaned or otherwise    

c)    rendered free from any explosive, flammable or harmful substance; and

d)    not be refilled while there is any risk of vaporising or igniting the substance that is being placed in the drum, tank, pipeline or other container.

(2)    Clauses (1) (a) and (b) do not apply to a pipeline where hot tapping and boxing-in are carried out by a competent person under controlled conditions so as to provide for the protection of all workers. 

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