Group Locks

Creating Group Locks

This section provides examples on how to set up appropriate group locks for different groups, teams or units within your organization.  

Quite often, more than one person is required to service the same equipment at the same time; this is called a Group Lock-out.  When this is the case, each person must take part in the lock-out procedure by applying there own lock to a lock-out bar or hasp at the energy-isolating device.  This will prevent the equipment from accidentally being turned on before all work has been completed.  Each authorized person must be trained in lock-out procedures, and be familiar with all company policies before starting the work.

Using Checklists

We recommend a checklist be used in any lock-out situation, as this will ensure that no steps are missed, and that all workers are informed of the potential hazards that may be present.  In addition, the overall communication level between employees improves because all workers are following the exact same procedure.

Special Lock-Out Procedures

Special lock-out procedures are required for larger jobs that involve a group or crew of workers.  When this is the case, a single competent person must supervise the entire procedure and the procedure must remain under the control and authority of that person. 

Once locks are applied, all keys are deposited into a special lockbox that is only under the control of the authorized supervisor of the project.  This procedure will enhance the safety aspect of group lock-outs by ensuring that the appropriate locks are kept in place as the work is being completed.

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