Course Overview

The objective of this course is to familiarize all employees with the theory and history of W.H.M.I.S., Hazardous Chemical Classifications, M.S.D.S. labels, employee responsibilities under W.H.M.I.S., safe handling and storage of chemicals, emergency procedures, how chemicals enter the body, avoiding health hazards, fire and explosions, and chemical reactions.


  • 2.5 - 3 hours on site training and instruction.

Course Topics

In this course, the following WHIMIS topics will be covered:

  1. Reactive Materials
  2. Infectious Materials
  3. Compressed Gas
  4. Toxic Materials
  5. Oxidizing Materials
  6. Flammable Materials
  7. Corrosive Materials
  8. Poisonous Materials

GHS Labels




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Online Training

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