Lock Out/Tag Out

Course Overview

From time to time, the need will arise to perform maintenance, repairs, cleaning, inspection, or refitting of industrial equipment, machinery, and fixtures. According to the latest statistics, two people are killed every 10 minutes, and an additional one hundred and seventy people suffer severe or disabling injuries due to accidents sustained while at work.

Most of these accidents can be avoided by providing proper training, and implementing a proper lockout/tagout procedures at your facility. We can provide you with training on general lockout/tagout procedures, or we can custom design this program to suit your specific needs.


  • 4 hours on site training and instruction.

Course Topics

The following topics are included in the introduction section:

  1. What is a lockout/tagout procedure and why must this program be followed?
  2. Why do lockout/tagout accidents happen?
  3. What is the difference between lockout and tagout?
  4. When and where lockout/tagout procedures must be used.
The participants will also learn about the potential dangers when working with industrial equipment as well as their responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Pre-Shift Inspections

The participants are informed on the importance of pre-shift inspections and their role in preventing accidents and costly equipment repairs. Each person is trained on the proper use of a written checklist, and the proper procedures for conducting an inspection and reporting any faults. Also included in this section are the regulations that apply to the "Right of Refusal" of an employee to perform a specific job function when health and safety in the work place may be compromised.

Lockout/Tagout Procedure

Controlled shutdown and immobilization of equipment and machinery is the first step to maintaining a safe environment. All employees must be informed when machinery is to be locked or tagged out of service. A full briefing of all personnel involved must be conducted to prevent accidental use of the machine while it is locked out, and to inform workers of any hazards that may be associated with shutting down or working on a particular machine (i.e.. vapor build up, static charges, toxic effects, protective equipment, etc.). Following the correct written procedure for lockout/tagout at specific sites starting with obtaining proper permits, and locking out the energy source. Placing warning signs and applying personal locks, clearing the area, obtaining the proper personal protective equipment are next on the agenda.


Depending on the work to be completed, you may require a project team or site supervision to ensure safety. In some situations, the need for communication is an integral part of performing proper maintenance or repairs. The mode of this communication must be accurately determined (i.e.. two way radios, hand signals, etc.) and all pertinent personnel must be well versed in the use of these techniques.

Proper Preparation

Before engaging in repairs, there may be a need to obtain adequate bracing, parts and equipment to do the job correctly. In addition, the lockout must be double checked, and certain tests such as air quality and temperature may need to be checked before the work begins. The written checklist should cover these points in an organized fashion to ensure safety. As an example, did the machinery have proper time to cool before there is any physical contact, or were the wires tested with a meter to ensure that they were not live?

Unique Situations

When working on industrial equipment, there may be additional safeguards that must be put in place to ensure safety. Some examples would be covering hot pipes, bleeding hydraulic lines or pipes, locking out all valves, tightening and securing flanges, exposure to heat, cold or pressure, and entering confined spaces.

Re-start Procedure

Once the work has been completed, the proper procedure must be followed using a written checklist to avoid accident or injury. This starts with removing all braces, safety chains, heat shields, tools and personnel from the area at which the work was completed. There may be a need to re-pressurize piping, ground equipment, or refill containers. This should be done slowly and cautiously. Re-energizing the equipment according to the order on the checklist must be strictly adhered to.

With the area clear of all non essential personnel, the main power may be re-connected, the machinery testing procedure performed, notification of staff that the work has been completed, removal of all locks, tags, and temporary warning signs and barricades.

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