Skid Steer Operator

Course Overview

The overall objectives of the course are discussed with the trainees, placing an emphasis on individual operator responsibilities. The shift in liability from the company to the operator is stressed for those who are trained and obtain a permit. The operators will be trained in safety precautions, avoiding accidents, proper material handling techniques, and protecting equipment and personnel.


  • 6-8 hours on site training and instruction.

Course Topics

Getting to Know Your Skid Steer

Learning the unique capabilities of the skid steer. Restricted view, all wheel steering, stability, limited driving space, and exercising extreme caution due to pedestrian traffic are covered in this section.

Types of Material Handling Equipment

BOBCAT, CASE ETC. The skid steer is then discussed in detail, concentrating on the handling capabilities, maneuvering, components, attachments, drive, steering, and load handling.

The Pre-shift Inspection

The in depth pre-shift inspection is the most important daily routine that must be logged and maintained. Not only can this prevent damage, accidents and expensive repairs, it can also protect the company from liability in the event of injury. Proper techniques for performing the inspection, assigning personnel, reporting problems, and updating the log book are responsibilities that all skid steer operators must know in order to avoid accidents or injury.


Instruction in the proper fueling procedures are relayed.

Extracts from the Occupational Health & Safety Act

Topics include (section 1.2) who may use material handling equipment (ie. "competent person"), Regulation 49; lifting and stacking, Regulation 55; examinations and safety equipment, trained operators, and precautions, Regulation 60;obstructed view, Regulation 61; immobilizing equipment, Regulation 62, how to immobilize equipment, and Regulation 63; maximum capacity ratings and usage.

The Elevating Assembly

Definitions are given for height, maximum loaded lift height. As well, safe operating practices are covered in detail.

Load & Stability

Topics include: all wheel steering, capacity, the stability, centre of gravity, lateral stability, longitudinal stability, tipping axis's, extended load centre, proper load placement, tilt and load centre distances, load composition and ramps and inclines.


Checking dock plates, making sure wheels are chocked, trailer jacks, floor condition and capacity.

Truck Positioning & Handling

Negotiating tight turns, pivot points, moving around obstacles, separation distances, handling loads, driving in reverse.

Load & Pick Up Procedures

Squaring up to a load, setting bucket to the correct height and position, brake, tilting the load, sounding the horn, backing up, and visibility requirements.

Load Placement Procedures

Squaring the load, lifting the load, braking, tilting the load, leveling the load, proper loading procedures, letting the load settle, traveling position.

Operations Video

Classifications of skid steer, fire safety designations, pre-shift inspections, data plates and capacities, reporting problems, load centers and stability, lifting, loading. suspension system, high center of gravity, , maximum capacity under normal operating conditions, weight shifts, steering, safety precautions, surface conditions, inclines, crossing rail road tracks and other gradients, weather conditions and slippery surfaces, picking up a load, setting a load, pedestrian awareness, parking and immobilizing.

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