Narrow Aisle Lift Trucks

Course Overview

Injury data analysis indicates that powered lift trucks continue to pose significant risks to workers who operate or work around them. A review of all accident scenarios involving lift trucks suggests that accidents usually result from a variety of causes. In the majority of cases, there was a breakdown in the overall system of work organization – people, equipment, tasks and the work environment.

This health and safety training session is intended to provide practical advice on how participants may protect themselves and other workers when working with or working around powered lift trucks. This session is also intended to teach participants battery handling which goes hand in hand with lift truck operation. This health and safety training session is hands-on and interactive through group discussions, case studies and one-on-one instruction, each participant will be able to put into practice what they have learned in this health and safety training session. Practical training will also be completed.


  • 4-6 hours of instruction.

Course Topics

After completing this health and safety training session, participants will have acquired the safety knowledge of:

  • Legislative requirements
  • Basic hydraulics and pre-operational checks and safe operating and load handling procedures
  • Stability and tipping and capacity and load charts
  • Inspection, maintenance and hands on practical evaluation

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