Hazard Controls

Hazard Controls

This section provides an overview of how to set up controls to minimize and eliminate confined space hazard controls including recognizing specific hazards in the workplace.

Confined Space Hazard Control

There are three (3) controls that need to exist when controlling a confined space hazard:

  1. The plan(s).
  2. General and plan-specific training.
  3. Permit system.

Every worker who enters a confined space or performs related work must receive general hazard training that is documented and reviewed regularly. This review should be done in consultation with the joint health and safety committee whenever there is a change that may affect the safety of a worker or at least annually.

Two (2) examples of training are the following:

  1. Confined space hazard recognition training.
  2. Safe work practices training.

The employer shall ensure that every worker who enters a confined space or who performs related work:

  • Receives adequate training, in accordance with the relevant plan, to work safely and properly.
  • Follows the plan. 

The employer shall maintain up-to-date written records showing who provided and who received training under this section, and the date when it was provided. 

Confined Space Hazard Recognition

There are three (3) common hazards in confined spaces. They are:

1) Atmospheric Hazards

Under the legislation, there is a new definition of acceptable atmospheric levels. “Acceptable atmospheric levels” means that:

a)    The atmospheric concentration of any explosive or flammable gas or vapour is less than:

i.    25% of its lower explosive limit; only inspection activities can be performed.

ii.    10% of its lower explosive limit; only cold work activities can be performed.

iii.    5% of its lower explosive limit; hot work activities can be performed.

Example Chart

Lower Explosive Limit

Upper Explosive Limit










b)    The oxygen content of the atmosphere is at least 19.5% but not more than 23% by volume. 

c)    The exposure to atmospheric contaminants does not exceed any applicable level set out in a regulation made under the Act and listed in Table 1.

The Regulation is amended by adding the following table:

Number of Regulation in Revised Regulations of Ontario/90



Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents


Designed Substance – Acrylonitrile


Designed Substance – Arsenic


Designed Substance – Asbestos


Designed Substance – Benzene


Designed Substance – Coke Oven Emissions


Designed Substance – Ethylene Oxide


Designed Substance – Isocyanates


Designed Substance – Lead


Designed Substance – Mercury


Designed Substance – Silica


Designed Substance – Vinyl Chloride

2) Energy Release Hazards

Energy can be released in a confined space when an energy source is not controlled by blanking and bleeding or disconnecting pipes and/or locking out electrical equipment. May workers have suffered serious burns, electrical shocks and have lost their arms, fingers, legs and even their lives.

Energy is categorized as only being Kinetic or Potential. You must understand these two classifications of energy, as they will aid you in determining what specific procedures must be followed in order to prevent accidents.

  • Kinetic Energy relates to energy that is in motion or the controlling force behind motion. Examples of kinetic energy in an industrial setting are flywheels, blades, lathes, cogs, fans, flowing liquids or gases, belts, motors, presses etc. The hazards associated with kinetic energy include pinching, cutting, crushing, trapping, grinding and impaling.
  • Potential Energy is energy that is stored in an object that is not currently moving, and may not be as evident as kinetic energy. Potential energy sources that may be present and/or hidden can be more dangerous than kinetic energy. When released, potential energy converts quickly to kinetic energy and the resulting motion is more dramatic. Examples of potential energy are hydraulic or air pressure, pressure in pipes, clamps, brake springs, actuators, raised loads, chains, braces and counterweights. 

Common sources of energy that need to be controlled in a confined space are the following:

  • Electrical Energy is transferred through wires, motors, transformers, batteries and circuit breakers. Machinery can be operated through a Direct Energy Source, meaning that the machine or equipment is powered by electricity, or an Indirect Energy Source, meaning that the electric energy powers the hydraulic or pneumatic pumps. In addition, electrical energy can also be stored or built up in a capacitor.
  • Hydraulic Energy is created by putting fluid under pressure. In most cases, hydraulic oil is used in cylinders, which may be found in elevating devices, lift trucks and compactors. The hydraulic oil or other liquid substance is generally under a lot of pressure while in the cylinder or hydraulic lines, and the resulting spray from an unfit hose or cylinder is sufficient to cause serious injuries or death if adequate protection is not taken.
  • Pneumatic Energy is created by placing air under pressure. This is usually accomplished by using a compressor, but may be achieved by fans, or negative pressure (Vacuum). The cycle time is much faster than hydraulic cycles as air is much less dense than liquid; therefore, the drop in pressure is usually quite dramatic when an air compressor is stopped.
  • Pressurized Liquids or Gases such as steam, water, or chemical liquids or gases may be found in pipes, tanks, supply lines, exhaust venting and vats. Always take the time to learn about the chemicals that may be flowing or stored in these pipes or vessels, and take all safety precautions.
  • Gravity is a concern as in some cases the energy source that was holding the equipment or parts of the equipment in place may release and the natural force of gravity may take over and change in to kinetic energy and hit or strike a worker. Example: The hydraulic brakes on a roller coaster parked on a hill release, and the cars will move and fall.

3) Material Movement Hazards

Material movement hazards exist in a confined space when materials are free flowing. These hazards can cause drowning, engulfment and suffocation. 

Common examples of material movement are the following:

  • Liquids. 
  • Grain.
  • Sludge.
  • Dust. 

Before entering any confined space, consider free moving material, properly isolate pipes and conveyors and neutralize other systems:

  • Blank flange.
  • Disconnection.
  • Valve lockout.
  • Chocked.
  • Blocked/chained.

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